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Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn moreforgot_login_email¶
- Имя: Письмо восстановления пароля
- Тип: textarea
- По умолчанию: (see below)
- Доступно в: Revolution 2.0.0+
Шаблон для электронного письма, которое отправляется, когда пользователь забыл свое имя пользователя и/или пароль MODX.
По умолчанию это:
<p>Hello [[+username]],</p>
A request for a password reset has been issued for your MODX user. If you
sent this, you may follow this link and use this password to login. If you
did not send this request, please ignore this email.
<strong>Activation Link:</strong>
[[+url_scheme]][[+http_host]][[+manager_url]]?modahsh=[[+hash]]<br />
<strong>Username:</strong> [[+username]]<br />
<strong>Password:</strong> [[+password]]<br />
After you log into the MODX Manager, you can change your password again, if
you wish.
<p>Regards,<br />Site Administrator</p>
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn more