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The Administrator Policy

This policy is packaged into MODX and is given to users on the 'mgr' context who want to have full access to managing MODX content.

Default Permissions

Name Description of Access
about The About page.
access_permissions Any Access Permission-related pages and actions.
actions The Actions page.
change_password User can change their user password.
change_profile User can change their profile.
content_types The Content Types page.
create Basic "create" access on objects.
credits View the Credits page.
customize_forms View and manage the Customizing the Manager page.
database The System Info page
database_truncate The ability to truncate a database table.
delete_category To delete or remove any Categories.
delete_chunk To delete or remove any Chunks.
delete_context To delete or remove any Contexts.
delete_document To delete or remove any Resources.
delete_eventlog To empty the Event Log.
delete_plugin To delete or remove any Plugins.
delete_snippet To delete or remove any Snippets.
delete_template To delete or remove any Templates.
delete_tv To delete or remove any Template Variables.
delete_role To delete or remove any Roles.
delete_user To delete or remove any Users.
edit_category To edit any Categories.
edit_chunk To edit any Chunks.
edit_context To edit any Contexts.
edit_document To edit any Resources.
edit_locked Allows a user to override a lock and edit a locked Resource.
edit_plugin To edit any Plugins.
edit_role To edit any Roles.
edit_snippet To edit any Snippets.
edit_template To edit any Templates.
edit_tv To edit any Template Variables.
edit_user To edit any User.
element_tree The ability to view the Elements Tree on the left nav.
empty_cache To empty the site cache.
export_static To export the site to static HTML.
file_manager To use the file manager, including creating/deleting files.
file_tree To view the Files Tree on the left nav.
flush_sessions Can flush Sessions across the site.
frames To use the MODX Manager UI at all.
help To view the Help page.
home To view the Welcome page.
import_static To view or use the Import pages.
languages To edit or view Lexicon Languages.
lexicons To edit or view Lexicons and Internationalization.
list Basic permission to "list" any object. List means to get a collection of objects.
load Basic permission to "load" any object, or be able to return it as an instance at all.
logout To be able to logout as a user.
logs To view the logs, such as error and manager logs.
menus To edit or save any top Menu items.
messages To send or view any personal Messages.
namespaces To edit or view Namespaces.
new_category To create a new Category.
new_chunk To create a new Chunk.
new_context To create a new Context.
new_document To create a new Resources.
new_plugin To create a new Plugin.
new_role To create a new Role.
new_snippet To create a new Snippet.
new_template To create a new Template.
new_tv To create a new Template Variable.
new_user To create a new User.
packages To use any Transport Packages in the Package Management system.
property_sets To view and edit Properties and Property Sets.
providers To view and edit Providers across the site.
publish_document To publish or unpublish any Resource.
purge_deleted To empty the Recycle Bin.
remove Basic permission to remove any object.
remove_locks To remove all existing Locks throughout the site.
resource_tree To view the Resource Tree in the left nav.
save Basic save permission for any object.
save_category To save any Categories.
save_chunk To save any Chunks.
save_context To save any Contexts.
save_document To save any Resources.
save_plugin To save any Plugins.
save_role To save any Roles.
save_snippet To save any Snippets.
save_template To save any Templates.
save_tv To save any Template Variables.
save_user To save any User.
search To use the Search page.
settings To view and edit any System Settings.
steal_locks To "steal" locks, overriding a current lock on a document.
unlock_element_properties To be able to edit the default properties for any Element.
view Basic permission to "view" any object.
view_category To view any Categories.
view_chunk To view any Chunks.
view_context To view any Contexts.
view_document To view any Resources.
view_eventlog To view the Event Log.
view_plugin To view any Plugins.
view_role To view any Roles.
view_snippet To view any Snippets.
view_template To view any Templates.
view_tv To view any Template Variables.
view_unpublished To view any unpublished Resources.
view_user To view any User.
workspaces To utilize Package Management.

Custom Permissions

If you have created your own actions and menu items (e.g. if you have created a Custom Manager Page), then you can define custom permission items when you create the menu item (System --> Actions --> Create Menu) that correspond to permissions listed here.

See Also

  1. Permissions - Administrator Policy
  2. Permissions - Resource Policy

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  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • Murray Wood
  • Lefthandmedia
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Anton Tarasov
  • A. Moreno
  • Raffy
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Snow Creative
  • JT Skaggs
  • Nick Clark
  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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