Last updated Apr 21st, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreSocialSuite is a collection of useful tools for integrating various social media into your MODX website.
getFacebookShares is a snippet, part of SocialSuite, which returns a number indicating the amount of times a certain URL has been shared or commented on using Facebook.
Snippet Properties¶
Property | Default Value | Description |
url | url of current resource | The url to find the amount of shares for. Note that this needs to be a full url, so when generating URLs using the [[~]] syntax, make sure to add &scheme=full , like this: |
[[~15? &scheme= full]] |
cache | true | If the result should be cached or not, on by default. Set to 0 to disable (not advised). |
cacheExpires | 3600 | Time (in seconds) the cache is considered valid, and new data is retrieved from facebook. |
node | shares | Change to "comments" to get a count of comments for the specific url, usually only available if you have a facebook comment widget on that page, note that this only seems to count root-level comments (so not replies to comments). You can also set this to "id" to see the url that Facebook is checking for. |
Example Usages¶
Get the the amount of shares for the current resource:
Get the amount of facebook comments for the current resource:
[[!getFacebookShares? &node=`comments`]]
Get the amount of facebook comments for a resource in a getResources tpl:
Comments: [[!getFacebookShares? &node=`comments` &url=`[[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full`]]`]]
Get the amount of shares for the url "
" and format it nicely using the prettyNumbers output filter that comes with SocialSuite:
[[!getFacebookShares:prettyNumbers? &url=``]]
Run this snippet inside another snippet to get counts of a specific url:
$url = '';
$shares = $modx->runSnippet('getFacebookShares', array('url' => $url));
return "The url {$url} has been shared {$shares} times on Facebook.";
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