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Learn moreFormIt email Hook¶
The email hook will email out your form contents to any email(s).
Available Properties¶
name | description |
emailTpl | Required. Tpl chunk for email message. If one is not specified, it will send a list of fields with their values. |
emailSubject | The subject of the email. |
emailUseFieldForSubject | If 1, and the field 'subject' is passed, then will use that field's value as the email's subject line. |
emailTo | A comma-separated list of emails to send to. |
emailToName | Optional. A comma-separated list of names to pair with the emailTo values. |
emailFrom | Optional. If set, will specify the From: address for the email. If not set, will first look for an email form field. If none is found, will default to the emailsender system setting. NOTE: Always set the emailFrom to a valid emailaddress (that is allowed to send from your server) to avoid rejected emails due to SPF/ DMARC violations. |
emailFromName | Optional. If set, will specify the From: name for the email. |
emailHtml | Optional. Whether or not the email should be in HTML-format. Defaults to 1. |
emailConvertNewlines | Optional. If set to 1, will convert all newlines to br tags. |
emailReplyTo | An email to set as the reply-to. If not set, will first look for an email form field. If none is found, will default to value set in emailFrom . NOTE: Set emailReplyTo to valid emailaddress from the same domain as emailFrom to avoid rejected email due to SPF/DMARC violations. |
emailReplyToName | Optional. The name for the Reply-To field. |
emailCC | A comma-separated list of emails to send via cc. |
emailCCName | Optional. A comma-separated list of names to pair with the emailCC values. |
emailBCC | A comma-separated list of emails to send via bcc. |
emailBCCName | Optional. A comma-separated list of names to pair with the emailBCC values. |
emailMultiWrapper | Wraps values submitted by checkboxes/multi-selects with this value. Defaults to just the value. (1.6.0+) |
emailMultiSeparator | Separates checkboxes/multi-selects with this value. Defaults to a newline. (1.6.0+) |
emailSelectField | The name of the form field, that selects the email addresses to send to. (4.2.5+) |
emailSelectTo | A semicolon separated list of comma separated email addresses to send to. (4.2.5+) |
emailSelectToName | A semicolon separated list of comma separated email names to send to. (4.2.5+) |
Any of the email hook properties can have placeholders of field names from your form in them that will be evaluated.
Simply specify it as a hook in your FormIt call, and then specify the email-specific properties in the FormIt call as well.
&emailSubject=`Some Sucker Bought Another CDO`
&emailTo=`[email protected]`
&emailCC=`[email protected]`
&emailBCC=`[email protected]`
&emailBCCName=`CDO Fraud Informant`
Note the &emailTpl property points to the name of a Chunk. In that Chunk, you'll have placeholders for each field in your form. Our Chunk could look like this:
<p>[[+name]] just purchased the CDO package: [[+cdo_package]].</p>
<p>Their email: [[+email]]</p>
This assumes, of course, that you have the fields "name", "cdo_package" and "email" in your form.
Specifying Dynamic To Addresses¶
FormIt, as of 4.2.5+, could select the receiver of the mail by the numeric value of a field i.e. by the option value of a select. By doing this, you could avoid to create a spoofable form field, where a frontend user could submit any mail address quite easily. The frontend user would only see a numbered list of receivers that are translated to email addresses by FormIt properties.
For this, you could use the following FormIt properties
&emailSelectTo=`[email protected],[email protected];[email protected]`
and the following form field
<select name="emailselect">
<option value="1" [[!+fi.emailselect:default=`1`:FormItIsSelected=`1`]]>Address 1</option>
<option value="2" [[!+fi.emailselect:default=`1`:FormItIsSelected=`2`]]>Address 2</option>
If Address 1 is selected, the mail would be sent to [email protected],[email protected]
, if Address 2 is selected, the mail would be sent to [email protected]
Using a Subject Field as the Email Subject Line¶
Let's say you have a subject field in your form. You want that to be the subject of the email sent out. The email hook has the ability to do this:
This will then look for a field named "subject" that will be used in the email. If it's not found or empty, it will default to the &emailSubject property.
Handling Checkboxes and Multi-Selects in the Email¶
FormIt, as of 1.6.0+, will automatically handle checkboxes and combine them into one field. You can use the &emailMultiSeparator and &emailMultiWrapper properties to specify how they are joined. For example, to wrap checkboxes in LI tags:
Or just to separate them with BR tags:
&emailMultiSeparator=`<br />`
See Also¶
- FormIt.Hooks.FormItAutoResponder
- FormIt.Hooks.FormItSaveForm
- FormIt.Hooks.math
- FormIt.Hooks.recaptcha
- FormIt.Hooks.redirect
- FormIt.Hooks.spam
- FormIt.PreHooks.FormItLoadSavedForm
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