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General parameters for snippets based on pdoTools / pdoFetch.

Sample resource parameters

These parameters define the derived objects.

Name Description On default
&class Class of a derived object modResource
&parents List of parents to search the result, separated by commas. If you put 0, the sample is not limited. If parent id begins with a hyphen, it and its children are eliminated from the sample. If you have to limit the sample by &depth parameter in resource root, you should use &parents=+0 Current resource
&depth Search depth of child resources from its parent 10
&resources List of resources to search the results, separated by commas. If resource id begins with a hyphen, this resource is eliminated from the sample.
&templates List of templates to filter the results, separated by commas. If template id begins with a hyphen, resources with it are eliminated from the sample.
&context Sample limitation by the resource context
&where Extra parameter array of the sample coded in JSON
&showHidden Show resources hidden in menu 0
&showUnpublished Show unpublished resources 0
&showDeleted Show deleted resources 0
&hideContainers Exclude container resources, that is, resources with «isfolder = 1». 0
&hideUnsearchable Exclude the resources hidden from the search
&select List of fields for sample, separated by commas. JSON can be indicated with the array, e.g. {"modResource":"id,pagetitle,content"}.
&leftJoin Analog SQL of left join
&rightJoin Analog SQL of right join
&innerJoin Analog SQL of inner join
&sortby Any resource field for sorting, it includes TV parameter, if it is indicated in &includeTVs parameter. JSON line can be indicated with array for several fields. Indicate «RAND()» for random sorting pagetitle
&sortdir Sorting direction: descending or ascending ASC
&groupby Indicate the field by which results are grouped
&having It is used to limit the sample of grouping lines by condition for the whole group, specified in &groupby
&limit Limitation of sample results. «0» can be used 0
&offset Result skip from the beginning 0
&first Number of the first iteration in output results 1
&last Number of the last iteration in output results Automatic formula evaluation (total + first — 1)
&loadModels List of components, which models should be downloaded for query building, they should be separated by commas, e.g. &loadModels=ms2gallery,msearch2.
&tvFilters List of TV filters with delimiter AND and OR. Delimiter, indicated in &tvFiltersOrDelimiter is a logic condition OR and its conditions are grouped in the first place. You can define the list of values in each group, separated by &tvFiltersAndDelimiter. Search of values can be held in any specific TV, if it is («myTV==value») or any («value»). E.g. &tvFilters=`filter2==one,filter1==bar%||filter1==foo`. Pay attention: filtration uses LIKE and “%” is metacharacter. Search is on values that physically located in the database, i.e. values from TV settings don’t get here on default
&tvFiltersAndDelimiter Delimiter for conditions AND in &tvFilters. ","
&tvFiltersOrDelimiter Delimiter for conditions OR in &tvFilters. "
&sortbyTV Additional field by which all the results should be sorted. It can be indicated directly in &sortby
&sortdirTV Sorting direction on extra fiend indicated in &sortby. It can be indicated directly in &sortby
&checkPermissions Indicate which permissions should be checked at the output of objects
&disableConditions It disables specific class modResource sample parameters

Template parameters

These parameters set up chunks which contain templates for output generation, i.e. they are changed with the overview.

Name Description
&tpl Chunk name for resource registration. If it not indicated, ‘field content of the source will be printed to the screen
&tplFirst Chunk name for the first resource in the results
&tplLast Chunk name for the last resource in the results
&tplOdd Chunk name for every second resource
&tpl_N Chunk name for N-resource, e.g. &tpl_4=tpl4th will set up template for 4th resource
&tpl_nN Chunk name for N-resource, e.g. &tpl_n4=tplEvery4th will be applied for every 4th resource
&tplCondition Resource field from which the value for selecting chunk will be obtained by the condition in &conditionalTpls.
&tplOperator Optional operator for comparison of resource field in &tplCondition with array of values and chunks in &conditionalTpls.
&conditionalTpls JSON line with array which in keys has something which &tplCondition will be compared with, and values – chunks which will be used to output if the comparison is successful. Comparison operator is indicated in &tplOperator. Arrays without keys can be used for «isempty» operators
&outputSeparator Optional line for separation of the results

Results parameters

These parameters define additionally what data and in what way it will be output.

Name Description On default
&return It defines the way of result output. Chunks – gauging, data – output value fields, sql – output of SQL-demand, ids – symbols separated by commas chunks
&fastMode Fast more of chunk processing. All raw tags (conditions, snippets and so on) will be cut. 0
&nestedChunkPrefix Prefix for “fast placeholders”, included by &fastMode parameter pdotools_
&idx You can indicate the initial number of iteration for result output
&totalVar Name of placeholders for saving the total number of results total
&includeContent Include the field «content» to the output 0
&includeTVs List of TV parameters for the output, separated by commas. E.g.: «action,time» will yield placeholders [[+action]] and [[+time]].
&includeTVList Alias &includeTVs
&prepareTVs List of TV parameters that need to be processed before the output «1» means preparation for all TV included in &includeTVs
&processTVs List of TV parameters that need to be processed before the output. If it is set in «1», all TV mentioned in «&includeTVs» will be processed
&tvPrefix Prefix for TV parameters tv.
&prepareSnippet Indicate the snippet that accepts data before the output in chunk and can vary or add them 1
&decodeJSON Dissemble fields like JSON instead of outputting in line
&scheme Scheme of forming url is passed to modX::makeUrl() -1 (concerning site_url)
&useWeblinkUrl Ensure the link subject to resource class
&toSeparatePlaceholders If you indicate a word in this parameter, ALL the results will be specified in different placeholders that begin with this word and end with the serial number of the line from zero. E.g. indicating «myPl», you get placeholders [[+myPl0]], [[+myPl1]] and so on
&additionalPlaceholders Install additional placeholders
&cache_key Cache key Value of system setting cache_resource_key for resources (on default resource) or default
&cache_handler Cache handler Value of system setting cache_resource_handler or xPDOFileCache
&cache Time Cache time Value of system setting cache_resource_expires or 0 (eternal)

Fenom Parser parameters

These parameters define settings for the fenom parser.

Name Description On default
&fenomModifiers Comma separated list of snippets that could be used as fenom modifier

How to call chunks

All chunks can have one of these prefixes:

  • @INLINE or @CODE. Code after this prefix will be used as template.
    &tpl=`@INLINE <li>[[+pagetitle]]</li>`

Snippets, other chunks and output filters cannot be indicated in INLINE chunks, because parser MODX handle them in the first place, and snippet will not get what you wanted.

  • @FILE. File content Is used instead of chunk from the database. Track to the file is indicated by system setting pdotools_elements_path. Name of the file have extension .tpl or .html.
    &tpl=`@FILE fileBasedRow.tpl`
  • @TEMPLATE. Identifier or name of template is indicated. If it is empty – its own template will be used for every resource.
    &tpl=`@TEMPLATE 10`
  • @CHUNK. Similarly to the indication of chunk names.
    &tpl=`@CHUNK tpl.Resource.row`

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  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • Murray Wood
  • Lefthandmedia
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Anton Tarasov
  • A. Moreno
  • Raffy
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Snow Creative
  • JT Skaggs
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  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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