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What is userTools?

This extra includes a set of MODX Revolution snippets for retrieving Users and User related information.


userTools was first written by David Pede (davidpede) and released on March 24, 2017.


It can be downloaded from within the MODX Revolution manager via Package Management, or from the MODX Extras Repository, here: https://modx.com/extras/package/usertools

The source code and build script is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/tasianmedia/usertools

Bugs & Feature Requests

Bugs, issues and feature requests can be reported in the GitHub Repository, found here: https://github.com/tasianmedia/usertools/issues

Available Snippets


The getProfile snippet can be called using the tag:



The getUsers snippet can be called using the tag:



The getGroups snippet can be called using the tag:


getProfile, getUsers & getGroups can be called cached or un-cached.



Available Properties

Name Description Default Value Added in Version
id Comma-seperated list of numeric User ID's. If not set, will return Current User. 1.0.0-pl
tpl Name of a chunk serving as a template. [REQUIRED] 1.0.0-pl

Available Placeholders

Name Description Default Value Added in Version
internalKey ID of the user. 1.0.0-pl
fullname Full name of the user. 1.0.0-pl
email Email address of the user. 1.0.0-pl
phone Phone number of the user. 1.0.0-pl
mobilephone Mobilephone/Cellphone number of the user. 1.0.0-pl
fax Fax number of the user. 1.0.0-pl
blocked Either 1 or 0. If blocked is set to true, the user will not be able to log in. 1.0.0-pl
blockeduntil A timestamp that, if set, will prevent the user from logging in until this date. 1.0.0-pl
blockedafter A timestamp that, if set, will prevent the user from logging in after this date. 1.0.0-pl
logincount The number of logins for this user. 1.0.0-pl
lastlogin The last time the user logged in. 1.0.0-pl
thislogin The time the user logged in in their current session. 1.0.0-pl
failedlogincount The number of times the user has failed to login. 1.0.0-pl
sessionid The User's session ID that maps to the session table. 1.0.0-pl
dob Date of birth of the user. 1.0.0-pl
gender Gender of the user. 0 for neither, 1 for male and 2 for female. 1.0.0-pl
address Postal address of the user. 1.0.0-pl
country Country of the user. 1.0.0-pl
city City of the user. 1.0.0-pl
state State or province of the user. 1.0.0-pl
zip Zip or postal code for the user. 1.0.0-pl
photo Photo of the user. 1.0.0-pl
comment Comments on the User. 1.0.0-pl
website Website of the user. 1.0.0-pl
extended Extended fields of the user. Access the placeholder by prefixing 'extended.' to the required field name: [[+extended.myField]] 1.0.0-pl


Available Properties

Name Description Default Value Added in Version
id Comma-seperated list of numeric User ID's. If not set, will return Current User. 1.0.0-pl
tpl Name of a chunk serving as a template. [REQUIRED] 1.0.0-pl

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