Last updated Apr 6th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn moreWhat is FoundationX?¶
FoundationX is a MODX implementation of Zurb's responsive CSS framework, Foundation.
It allows users with little to no HTML or CSS knowledge to be able to quickly setup and customize a modern, responsive website within minutes by signing up for a MODX Cloud account and installing a FoundationX Snapshot.
See Live Demo here:
FoundationX is only available as a Snapshot in MODX Cloud. If you don't already have a MODX Cloud account, you can sign up for one here.
FoundationX was created in 2012 by YJ Tso (@sepiariver) as a customizable "Super-Theme" for use in MODX Cloud.
In the MODX Cloud Dashboard, navigate to the "Marketplace" from the main menu. Select the FoundationX public Snapshot. Click on the "Inject Into Cloud" link. If you haven't created the Cloud in which you want to install FoundationX, you can follow the documentation here to do so. In the "Inject into Cloud" pop-up window, select the Cloud you wish to overwrite, then click "Inject Into Cloud".
The FoundationX Snapshot Will Overwrite Your Cloud Ensure that the Cloud you select to Inject the FoundationX Snapshot into doesn't contain data you wish to keep. If you're not sure, Backup the Cloud first. Learn how to Backup your Cloud here. All it takes is a mouse-click in MODX Cloud!
When the Snapshot has been successfully injected, you'll receive a Notification. Navigate to that Cloud's Edit page, and on the list of options in the right sidebar, click on Create Admin User. Enter a username, password, and email address, and click "Create Admin User". When the process is complete, you'll get another Notification. You can then login to the MODX Manager using the credentials you just setup!
Next Steps¶
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn more