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Learn moreMODx.FormPanel¶
Extends: Ext.FormPanel xtype: modx-formpanel Key Features: Drag-and-drop functionality; changed ("dirty") field checking functionality; connector functionality.
FormPanels are found throughout the MODx Manager. They can contain form fields, Grids, Trees - just about any component available.
They automatically pass the modAuth header and a Powered-By header into any submissions, which is used to prevent XRSF attacks.
They also automatically integrate into the MODX connector structure. All you must do is pass in a url parameter into the config of the object, and baseParams to send with the form submission, and the FormPanel will handle the rest. With 2.2+ class-based processors and $this->addFieldError(), the MODx.FormPanel will also properly process the errors logged.
Unique Parameters¶
MODx.FormPanel adds a few unique parameters not found in typical Ext.FormPanel objects:
Name | Description | Default |
saveMsg | The message to show in the modal wait dialog when saving. | Saving... |
allowDrop | Allow items from a tree to be dropped in this form. | true |
useLoadingMask | Set to true to use a loading mask when loading form values. | false |
onDirtyForm | A form ID to check against when checking dirty status for the form. Defaults to the form. | this.getForm() |
Custom Events¶
MODx.FormPanel adds a few extra events not found in Ext.FormPanel objects:
Name | Description |
beforeSubmit | Fires before a submission of the form, with 3 parameters: - form - The Ext.form.BasicForm object attached to this FormPanel |
options | Any options passed to the submit() call |
config | The FormPanel config object |
failure | Fires on a form failure or failure response from a processor, with 4 parameters: - result - The response object sent from the processor |
form | The Ext.form.BasicForm object attached to this FormPanel |
options | Any options passed to the submit() call |
config | The FormPanel config object |
fieldChange | Fires whenever a field is changed, with the following parameters: - field - The Ext.Field object that is being changed |
nv | The new value of the field |
ov | The old value of the field |
form | The BasicForm attached to this FormPanel |
postReady | Fires after 'ready' event listeners are run (which must be fired by extending classes) |
ready | Not fired; must be fired by extended objects of MODx.FormPanel to allow fieldChange/postReady events to fire. |
setup | Fired at the beginning of a formpanel load, and after a successful submission. |
success | Fires on a form success with a success response from a processor, with 4 parameters: - result - The response object sent from the processor |
form | The Ext.form.BasicForm object |
options | Any options passed to the submit() call |
config | The FormPanel config object |
Other Unique Functions¶
Drop Area Fields¶
All fields in MODx.FormPanel instances automatically can have items dropped into them, such as nodes from the left-hand trees. You can turn off this functionality with the allowDrop parameter.
Automatic Dirty-Field Handling¶
All fields will fire the fieldChange event when they are changed. You can also use the following methods:
- isDirty - check for general form dirty status
- clearDirty - clear dirty status for all of the form
- markDirty - mark the form dirty and fire the fieldChange event
Field Manipulation¶
You can easily manipulate fields and labels in MODx.FormPanel objects:
- getField(name) - Gets the Ext.Field object for the field name specified
- hideField(name) - Hides the field with the name passed
- showField(name) - Shows the field with the name passed if it is hidden
- setLabel(name,text) - Set the label of a field to the specified text.
See Also¶
- MODExt MODx Object
- MODExt Tutorials
- MODx.combo.ComboBox
- MODx.Console
- MODx.FormPanel
- MODx.grid.Grid
- MODx.grid.LocalGrid
- MODx.msg
- MODx.tree.Tree
- MODx.Window
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