Creating Selectable and Sortable lists for MIGX
Last updated Dec 8th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreCreate selectable and sortable Attributes List for whatever you need it¶
Lets say we have Resources, which are Products and each product can have different attributes and each attribut should have a title and a nice icon We want also have a place where we can add as many attributes as we like to our attributes-list and we want select from this attributes-list in our product-resources. Additional we want to be able to add some individual extra infos for each selected attribute and we want to have this list to be sortable by drag/drop.
In this Tutorial we will learn how we can use MIGX to create an attributes-list-builder where we can select from on each resource.
First off we will need to install MIGX by Package Management and do some basic configurations. Version required: 2.5.2 +
Create the Attributes Builder¶
- Create a new TV
- name:
- Input Type: migx
- formtabs:
"caption": "Attribute",
"fields": [{
"field": "attribute",
"caption": "Attribute"
"field": "title",
"caption": "Title"
"field": "icon",
"caption": "Icon",
"inputTVtype": "image"
- grid columns:
"header": "Attribute",
"width": "50",
"sortable": "true",
"dataIndex": "attribute"
"header": "Title",
"width": "50",
"sortable": "true",
"dataIndex": "title"
"header": "Image",
"width": "50",
"sortable": "false",
"dataIndex": "icon",
"renderer": "this.renderImage"
- Create a new Template with this TV assigned to it
- Create a new Resource with this template
- This Resource is used to Create all the Attributes for our TV
Create the Attributes Selector - TV¶
- Create a new chunk
- name: getAttributeOptions
- content:
Change the Docid to our resource created above.
Create a new TV
- name: migx_attributes
- Input Type: migx
- input option values: @CHUNK getAttributeOptions
- configs: migx_attributes
Add this TV to template(s) where you want select from our attributes-list.
Create a new MIGX Configuration (Components->MIGX->Tab: MIGX -> 'add item')
- name: migx_attributes
Click 'Done' to save the new Configuration
right-click on the new configuration and select 'import/export'
copy/paste this code into the textarea:
"formtabs": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"caption": "Attribute",
"print_before_tabs": "0",
"fields": [{
"MIGX_id": 4,
"field": "active",
"caption": "Active",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "listbox",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "yes==1||no==0",
"default": ""
"field": "attribute",
"caption": "Attribute",
"inputTVtype": "hidden",
"MIGX_id": 1
"field": "title",
"caption": "Title",
"inputTVtype": "hidden",
"MIGX_id": 2
"field": "icon",
"caption": "Icon",
"inputTVtype": "hidden",
"MIGX_id": 3
"MIGX_id": 5,
"field": "comment",
"caption": "Comment",
"description": "",
"description_is_code": "0",
"inputTV": "",
"inputTVtype": "textarea",
"configs": "",
"sourceFrom": "config",
"sources": "[]",
"inputOptionValues": "",
"default": ""
"contextmenus": "",
"actionbuttons": "",
"columnbuttons": "",
"filters": "[]",
"extended": {
"migx_add": "",
"formcaption": "",
"update_win_title": "",
"win_id": "",
"maxRecords": "",
"multiple_formtabs": "",
"extrahandlers": "this.handleColumnSwitch",
"packageName": "",
"classname": "",
"task": "",
"getlistsort": "",
"getlistsortdir": "",
"use_custom_prefix": "0",
"prefix": "",
"grid": "",
"gridload_mode": 1,
"check_resid": 1,
"check_resid_TV": "",
"join_alias": "",
"has_jointable": "yes",
"getlistwhere": "",
"joins": "",
"cmpmaincaption": "",
"cmptabcaption": "",
"cmptabdescription": "",
"cmptabcontroller": "",
"winbuttons": "",
"onsubmitsuccess": "",
"submitparams": ""
"columns": [{
"header": "Attribute",
"dataIndex": "attribute",
"MIGX_id": 1
"header": "Title",
"dataIndex": "title",
"MIGX_id": 2
"header": "Icon",
"dataIndex": "icon",
"renderer": "this.renderImage",
"MIGX_id": 3
"MIGX_id": 2,
"header": "Active",
"dataIndex": "active",
"width": "",
"sortable": "false",
"show_in_grid": 1,
"renderer": "this.renderSwitchStatusOptions",
"clickaction": "switchOption",
"selectorconfig": "",
"renderoptions": [{
"MIGX_id": 1,
"name": "published",
"value": 1,
"clickaction": "",
"handler": "",
"image": "assets\/components\/migx\/style\/images\/tick.png"
"MIGX_id": 2,
"name": "unpublished",
"value": "0",
"clickaction": "",
"handler": "",
"image": "assets\/components\/migx\/style\/images\/cross.png"
Create some Attributes¶
Go to edit the Attributes-Builder-Resource and add some Attributes
Select Attributes on Resources¶
Now you should be able to select Attributes and sort them by drag/drop to a new position. You can also add additional infos, like a individual comment.
Get the selected attributes-list at frontend¶
Add this snippet-tag to your template/resource-content:
<img src="[[+icon]]" alt="[[+title]]" title="[[+title]]" />
</li> `
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The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
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