Last updated Apr 6th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreWhat is printdiv?¶
Printdiv will copy the content of the specified div into a popup window that will then open a print dialog box to print a "printer friendly version" of the content. After the print job is sent to the printer the popup window will automatically close.
Example for printdiv:
[[printdiv? &divID=`test` &linkText=`link`]]
<div id="test">test data</div>
You can also specify the width and height of the popup:
[[printdiv? &divID=`test` &linkText=`link` &width=`200` &height=`300`]]
<div id="test">test data</div>
See the snippet properties for more options.
Name | Description | Default | Required | Version |
divID | The ID of the div content to be copied into the popup window to be printed. | Yes | >0.0.1 | |
linkText | Text that will be displayed as a link to the printer friendly pop up. | Yes | >0.0.1 | |
tplPrintDiv | The template that creates the link to the popup window | printdiv | >0.0.1 | |
tplJs | The template that holds the javascript that creates the pop up starts the printing process. | printdiv.js | >0.0.1 | |
width | Width of the pop up window. | 100 | >0.0.1 | |
height | Height of the pop up window. | 100 | >0.0.1 | |
cssFile | Specify the location of the css file to use. | >0.0.1 |
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