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The MODx JS Object

MODExt comes with a global MODx JS object on each manager page. This object has a few custom methods that can be executed from any custom manager page using MODExt, and also sets up some default settings and customizations.

Custom Class Variables

The following variables are accessible from the MODx JS object:


This is a JS object that contains all the current GET parameters for the page. Example:

var id = MODx.request.id;


This object contains all the active System Settings in MODX by key:

var tpl = MODx.config.default_template;

Other Variables

There are a few other variables available on the MODx.config object that are not System Settings:

Key Description
base_url The base URL for the MODX site and/or active context.
connectors_url The URL to the connectors directory.
manager_url The URL to the manager.
http_host The HTTP host variable for the active context.
site_url The full Site URL for the active context.
custom_resource_classes An array of custom Resource classes pulled from the System Setting custom_resource_classes


This object contains a map of all the modAction objects (or MODX manager controllers), mapped by their controller to their ID:

var actionId = MODx.action['resource/create'];

As of MODX 2.2, the non-core Actions are prefixed with their namespace. Prior to 2.2 it would just be the action controller. For example a "controllers/index" action in a "mycomponent" namespace would be retrievable using the following in 2.2 and up:

var actionId = MODx.action['mycomponent:controllers/index'];


Contains MODX version information, with the following attributes:

Key Example
version 2
major_version 1
minor_version 0
patch_level pl
code_name Revolution
distro (traditional)
full_version 2.1.0-pl
full_appname MODX Revolution 2.1.0-pl (traditional)


var fv = MODx.version.full_version;


This object will contain the two following properties for the currently logged-in manager user:

MODx.user.id The ID of the user.
MODx.user.username The username of the user.
var userId = MODx.user.id;


This will contain the following permissions should they be granted to the user (they will not exist if the user does not have the permission):

Name Description
MODx.perm.resource_tree To view the Resources tree.
MODx.perm.element_tree To view the Elements tree.
MODx.perm.file_tree To view the Files tree.
MODx.perm.file_upload To be able to upload files.
MODx.perm.file_manager To use the MODX file browser.
MODx.perm.new_chunk To create a new Chunk.
MODx.perm.new_plugin To create a new Plugin.
MODx.perm.new_snippet To create a new Snippet.
MODx.perm.new_template To create a new Template.
MODx.perm.new_tv To create a new Template Variable.
MODx.perm.directory_create To be able to create a directory on the filesystem.
if (MODx.perm.file_upload) { /* ...code... */ }

Custom Methods

The MODx object also has quite a few custom methods available to it:


This method will create a new object of any specified xtype and passed in configuration parameters. Example:

var w = MODx.load({
  xtype: 'modx-window-namespace-create'
  ,blankValues: true
w.setValues({ name: 'My Namespace' });

Any defined class that has a registered xtype can be loaded from this method.


This fires up the console that clears the MODX cache. It will also fire the 'beforeClearCache' and 'afterClearCache' events on the MODx object. If the System Setting clear_cache_refresh_trees is set to 1, it will also refresh all the active left-hand trees.


This will release the lock on the current active Resource. This method should not be fired on non-Resource editing pages. It will fire the 'beforeReleaseLocks' and 'afterReleaseLocks' events on the MODx object.


This method will cause JavaScript to sleep (or halt) for a specified number of seconds:

MODx.sleep(3); /* sleep for 3 seconds */


This method will automatically logout the active manager user. It fires the 'beforeLogout' and 'afterLogout' events on the MODx object. If both events are successful, it will then redirect the user to the login screen.


This will load the current Help screen for the active page. Normally this is set by default on the modAction record for the page, and its URL can be found by the MODx.config.help_url property. You can, however, override this to fire up any URL into the panel:

/* show the modx.com site in the Help modal */
MODx.config.help_url = 'https://modx.com/';


Loads the current MODX site for the active Context.


Checks to see if the specified variable is "empty" (in the PHP sense). This means it is either:

  • false, 'false', or 'FALSE'
  • 0 or '0'
  • '' (blank string)
  • null
  • undefined


(2.1+ only)

This will send off a debug message if and only if the MODX System Setting ui_debug_mode is set to Yes/1. The debug message will use console.log to output to the console. This can be useful to add debugging and assertions to your code without breaking it in production sites (which would presumably have ui_debug_mode off).

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The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.


  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Lefthandmedia
  • Murray Wood
  • Anton Tarasov
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Raffy
  • Snow Creative
  • Nick Clark
  • A. Moreno
  • JT Skaggs
  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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