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What Does the Rule Do?

This rule makes sure that the value of the field is at least X, where X is defined by the "value" attribute on the schema.

Using the Rule

First, our model:

<model package="test" baseClass="xPDOObject" platform="mysql"
       defaultEngine="MyISAM" tablePrefix="test_">
    <object class="myTest" table="test" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
        <field key="number" dbtype="int" precision="10"
               phptype="integer" default="0" null="false" />

            <rule field="name"
                  message="The number must be at least 20."

From there, go ahead and generate the model from the XML schema. And now in a Snippet we'll call Test:

$output = '';
$obj = $modx->newObject('myTest');
$validator = $obj->getValidator();
if ($validator->validate() == false) {
    $messages = $validator->getMessages();
    foreach ($messages as $errorMsg) {
        $output .= $errorMsg['message'];

This will display:

The number must be at least 20.

See Also

  1. xPDOForeignKeyConstraint
  2. xPDOMaxLengthValidationRule
  3. xPDOMaxValueValidationRule
  4. xPDOMinLengthValidationRule
  5. xPDOMinValueValidationRule
  6. xPDOObjectExistsValidationRule

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