Last updated Apr 21st, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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$287 per month—let's make that $500!
Learn moreTemplating¶
This document provides information on the mhPayPal snippet templating. If looking for more information about the mhPayPal package in which the snippet is included, please visit ?[mhPayPal|display/ADDON/mhPayPal] instead.
Templating mhPayPal is done through the use of tpl chunks.
formTpl, formTplAnonymous¶
<form action="[[+action]]" method="[[+config.method]]" id="mhpp_form_[[+config.id]]">
<p>Your donation will be safely processed by PayPal, allowing you to donate via a PayPal account or directly with a credit card.</p>
<p>Uh oh.. The following error(s) were found in your form: <br />[[+errors]]</p>
<label for="mhpp_amount_[[+config.id]]">Amount</label>
<select name="currency" id="mhpp_currency_[[+config.id]]">
<option value="EUR"[[+currency_EUR:notempty=` selected="selected"`]]>EUR €</option>
<option value="USD"[[+currency_USD:notempty=` selected="selected"`]]>USD $</option>
<option value="GBP"[[+currency_GBP:notempty=` selected="selected"`]]>GBP £</option>
<input type="text" name="amount" id="mhpp_amount_[[+config.id]]" />
[[+currency.error]] [[+amount.error]]
<input type="submit" name="[[+config.submitVar]]" value="Donate!" />
Available Placeholders
Placeholder [[+name here]] |
Description |
config.___ | The value of the snippet property identified with the __. See [mhPayPal] for all snippet properties available. |
action | An URL to the current page to make sure it posts to itself. |
amount | The filled in amount (if any). |
currency | The chosen currency (if any). |
currency_CURRENCYKEY | The chosen currency key will get this placeholder set to 1, for example currency_USD. This can help with selectboxes like in the default above. |
_____.error | Where _____ is the name of a field, this placeholder contains an error for it. |
errors | A collection of errors as fieldname: error, separated by the &errorSeparator property. |
Bring it on..
Placeholder [[+name here]] |
Description |
error | The error message. |
<h3>Thanks! You're awesome!</h3>
<p>PayPal says your [[+description]] ([[+currency]] [[+amount]]) transaction is [[+PAYMENTSTATUS]]! You're really cool for helping out on this project further. Do not hesitate to get in touch should you need help!</p>
Placeholder [[+name here]] |
Description |
Any data fields' name | The data fields' value. |
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
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