Last updated Apr 6th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreSocialSuiteis a collection of useful tools for integrating various social media into your MODX website.
getTwitter Profile is a snippet, part of SocialSuite, which returns all sorts of information about a user on Twitter.
getTwitterProfile seems to be broken right now.. will update once resolved
Snippet Properties¶
Property | Default | Description |
user | The username, ID or shortname of a user or page to look up information for. | |
cache | 1 | To cache or not to cache, that's the question. (set to 0 to disable caching) |
cacheExpires | 3600 | Time in seconds for the cache to be valid. |
showAvailableData | 0 | Enable this (by setting it to 1) to see a dump of all data available for the selected user. Helpful in choosing your placeholders. |
toPlaceholders | 0 | Enable this (by setting it to 1) to set all data to placeholders so you can use them in existing markup. This will DISABLE parsing the chunk specified with &tpl. |
toPlaceholdersPrefix | tw | A prefix to apply to placeholders when using toPlaceholders. |
tpl | Name of a chunk to parse with the placeholders (when toPlaceholders=0). |
Example Usage¶
[[!getTwitterProfile? &user=`modx` &showAvailableData=`1` &toPlaceholders=`1`]]
returns the following:
<currently erroring>
And allows you to do something like this:
Twitter Name: [[!]]<br />
Likes: [[!+tw.likes]]
which outputs something like this:
Twitter Name: MODX
Likes: 2348
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