Last updated Mar 6th, 2021 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreGalleryAlbums' rowTpl Chunk¶
This chunk is used for each Album iterated through by the GalleryAlbums snippet.
Default Value¶
<li[[+cls:notempty=``]]><a href="[[~[[*id]]? &[[+albumRequestVar]]=`[[+id]]`]]">[[+showName:notempty=`[[+name]]`]]</a></li>
Available Placeholders¶
Name | Description |
id | The ID of the Album. |
name | The name of the Album. |
parent | The parent ID of the Album. Defaults to 0. |
description | The description of the Album. |
createdon | A timestamp of when the Album was created. |
createdby | The ID of the User that created this Album. |
rank | The 'rank', or order, in which this Album is stored as. |
active | Whether or not this Album is marked "Active". Can be 1 or 0. |
prominent | Whether or not this Album is marked "Prominent". Can be 1 or 0. |
albumRequestVar | The albumRequestVar parameter passed to the GalleryAlbums snippet. Defaults to galAlbum. |
image | The link to an image as determined by the GalleryAlbums snippet. |
When you use the image placeholder in your template as the source for an image tag, it doesn't seem to obey the thumbnail properties given in the snippet-call. But no worries, you can add them yourself as this image-placeholder is actually a call to phpthumb. So, lets say you want your thumbnail to be 240x160 with zoomcrop, you can do:
<img src="[[+image]]&w=240&h=160&zc=1" alt="[[+name]]" />
See Also¶
- Gallery.Gallery
- Gallery.GalleryAlbums
- Gallery.GalleryItem
- Gallery.GalleryItem.tpl
- Gallery.Plugins
- Gallery.Setting Up Your Gallery
- Gallery.Example1
- Gallery.Setting Up the GalleryItem TV
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