Writing a Good Snippet
Last updated Nov 28th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreFor some, writing a MODX snippet might be their first foray into coding. Here are some tips for newbies and experienced developers alike.
Our Example Snippet¶
* mySnippet
* This Snippet multiplies numbers &x and &y. This demonstrates
* some good habits.
* &x integer required
* &y integer required
* &z integer optional. Default: 1
* [[!mySnippet? &x=`5` &y=`7`]]
$x = (int) $modx->getOption('x', $scriptProperties);
$y = (int) $modx->getOption('y', $scriptProperties);
$z = (int) $modx->getOption('z', $scriptProperties, 1);
// For debugging:
, '[mySnippet] called on page '. $modx->resource->id . ' with the following properties: '
.print_r($scriptProperties, true));
// Verify Inputs
if (!isset($scriptProperties['x']) || !isset($scriptProperties['y'])) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[mySnippet] missing required properties &x and &y!');
return $x * $y * $z;
A Good Name¶
Give your Snippet a name that makes sense to someone who is not familiar with it. A good name is easy to remember.
Always include a brief description that explains what your Snippet does. It should be clear enough that a stranger (e.g. another manager user, not necessarily a developer) could understand what your code does just by reading your description.
Comment Block¶
Always include a comment block in your Snippet! This is probably the single most important part of your Snippet! Even if you are not a coder, you can spot a good developer simply by the quality of their documentation and comments.
Your comment block should include the following items:
This is where you can describe your code in more detail.
Detail exactly which properties can be passed to your Snippet and what type of data each property accepts. You should also specify whether the property is required or whether there is a default value. Here are some examples:
integer a number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday) representing the day of the week. (required)
boolean 1 will force an HTTPS connection; 0 uses an HTTP connection. Default: 1
string name of a Chunk used to format output. Default myChunk
Always include some examples of how to use your Snippet. These should be examples that users can literally copy and paste into their pages to see how your Snippet works.
Set Default Properties¶
Set default properties in the snippet's Properties tab. You can read properties passed to the Snippet and set default properties using the getOption method. Remember that all Snippets are passed an array of $scriptProperties
$headTpl = $modx->getOption('headTpl', $scriptProperties, 'myHeadTpl');
Do not include HTML¶
Your Snippet should be as clean from HTML as possible. If you need to format the output, use a Chunk to format the output. This is an important architectural principle!
$props = array(
'cow' => 'Moo',
'pig' => 'Oink',
return $modx->getChunk('myChunk', $props);
Using the placeholders in the chunk:
<!-- myChunk -->
A cow says "[[+cow]]" and a pig says "[[+pig]]".
Do not Print or Echo¶
Never print or echo values in your Snippet. Snippets are like functions: they should return data. While using print or echo statements may appear to work, they can have unexpected results. Always gather your output into a variable string such as $output and return that variable string.
Variable Names: Whatever your coding style, be consistent. If you want to use camelCase variable names, then make sure all your variables use that style.
Indents: Use the same indenting style throughout.
Log Errors and Info¶
MODX has a logging function: use it. See xPDO::log(). If your users forgot to include a required property, log an error so your users will know it.
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[mySnippet] missing the &xyz property!');
You can also log debugging info, which is useful for users who are debugging things. This will only be written to the error log when the log_level
system setting is set to the appropriate level.
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, '[mySnippet] was called with the following properties: '.print_r($scriptProperties,true));
See Also¶
- Templating Your Snippets
- Adding CSS and JS to Your Pages Through Snippets
- How to Write a Good Snippet
- How to Write a Good Chunk
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