Last updated Mar 6th, 2021 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreYou may find the Discss Controller documentation easier to use than the below placeholder coverage.
Map of Chunks to Page Placeholders¶
This page outlines all the placeholders for each page that use related chunks, and notes which chunks those placeholders use.
Commonly-Used Placeholders¶
These placeholders are used across most pages and always use the same chunks:
Placeholder | Chunks |
trail | breadcrumbs/disBreadcrumbsLink |
breadcrumbs/disBreadcrumbsActive | For an active crumb text |
breadcrumbs/disBreadcrumbs | The entire crumbs wrapper |
boards | board/disLastPostBy |
board/disSubForumLink | For any sub-boards in the board row |
category/disCategoryLi | For the category row |
board/disBoardLi | For each board |
actionbuttons | No chunks currently, but a UL tag with classes 'dis-action-btns right' and li tags for each button |
pagination | pagination/PaginationLink |
pagination/PaginationActive | Text for the active page |
pagination/PaginationWrapper | The wrapper for the pagination |
usermenu | disUserMenu |
Placeholder | Chunks |
recent_posts | post/disPostLi |
activeUsers | user/disActiveUserRow |
Placeholder | Chunks |
posts | post/disBoardPost |
board/disLastPostBy | For the "last post by" part |
readers | Just a string of a tags |
moderators | Just a string of a tags |
Placeholder | Chunks |
posts - post/disThreadPost | For each post in the thread |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
readers | Just a string of a tags |
threadactionbuttons - disActionButton | For each button |
disActionButtons | Wrapper of all buttons |
Placeholder | Chunks |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
thread_posts | post/disThreadPost - For each post in the thread |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
thread_posts | post/disThreadPost |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
boards | board/disBoardOpt - A collection of option tags |
Placeholder | Chunks |
post | post/disPostPreview |
Placeholder | Chunks |
recent_posts | post/disPostLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
threads | post/disPostLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
threads | post/disPostLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
posts | post/disPostLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
boards | disBoardCheckbox - For each board and its checkbox |
disBoardCategoryIb | For each Category, with a placeholder for its nested boards |
Placeholder | Chunks |
recent_posts | post/disPostLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
subscriptions | user/disUserSubscriptionRow |
Placeholder | Chunks |
messages | message/disMessageLi |
Placeholder | Chunks |
thread_posts | post/disThreadPost - For each post in the thread |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
thread_posts | post/disThreadPost - For each post in the thread |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
attachment_fields | post/disAttachmentFields |
buttons | disPostButtons |
discuss.error_panel | Ignore this. Always empty. |
Placeholder | Chunks |
posts | post/disThreadPost - For each post in the thread |
post/disThreadPostPrint | Replaces prior chunk if Print Thread is clicked |
post/disPostAttachment | For each attachment on the post |
readers | Just a string of a tags |
threadactionbuttons | disActionButton - For each button |
disActionButtons - Wrapper of all buttons |
results | disSearchResult |
boards | board/disBoardOpt - A collection of option tags |
See Also¶
- Discuss.Installation
- Discuss.Getting Started
- Discuss.Creating a Discuss Theme
- Discuss.Controllers
- Discuss.Database Model
- Discuss.Contributing
- Discuss.ChunkMap
- Discuss.Features
- Configuring Sphinx for Search
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$287 per month—let's make that $500!
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