Creating components
Last updated May 19th, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
This lesson opens a new section on the site where training courses or tutorials will be published.
In this course, from Vasily Naumkin we will write not anyhow anything, but the necessary and useful component of mailings to users of the site, which we will then present to all MODX users.
Approximate plan of the first course:
- Setting up the workplace and IDE PhpStorm
- Analysis of the structure of the component, why do we need assets, core and others?
- Git basics and the first commit of component procurement on Github
- We think over the logic of work, we define the scheme and model of the table in the database
- The first sketches of logic, build and install the alpha version of the package
- Admin Interface on ExtJS. Create mailing groups and subscribe users to them.
- Admin Interface on ExtJS. Create a newsletter and bind it to the group.
- We check the work of our interface, we try to distribute something.
- The front end. Snippet output of available subscriptions to the user.
- The front end. Work with the subscription and unsubscribe from the newsletter.
- Testing, package assembly, completion of works.
I say right away - the list is inaccurate, everything can change 10 times, since we are writing a new component, and not dismantling the existing one.
I also ask you right now download PhpStorm. The demo version works without restriction of functionality for a whole month, and this time is enough for you to understand whether you should buy it. Of course, I will give all the instructions and examples for this IDE.
In addition, think immediately about where you will develop the component? On your local computer, in a virtual machine or on a hosting?
I think you can try to use and free account on MODXcloud.
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