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Learn moreHow the MIGXdb TV-input-type works¶
With MIGXdb you can manage records of custom-tables.
The visible records in the grid, can be related to the resource, which you are editing, by default joined with the field 'resource_id' in your custom table.
Each field of your db-record can have a TV-input-type in the editor-window. This is configurable by the MIGX-configurator and/or by config files for more advanced situations.
For each input-field you can use TV-input-types for example:
- image-TV
- checkbox-TV
- dropdown-TV
- richtext-TV
- radio-TV
and most other TV-input-types and also custom-TV-input-types.
MIGXdb does also have a little package-management-tool and you can use MIGXdb to create CMPs to manage custom-tables.
It has a configurable default-grid and some default-processors. Its possible to add context-menues, action-buttons and related functions with clicking some checkboxes. You can also create own context-menues, action-buttons, and functions, which will be reusable for different grids. Of course you can also use your complete own extjs-grid and your own processors.
Installation Package-Manager / MIGX-Configurator CMP¶
Create a new action¶
right-click 'migx' ->create Action here
controller: index
Create a new menu¶
right-click 'Components' ->Place Action here
- lexicon key: migx
- action: migx - index
- parameters:
Setup for Revo 2.3 +¶
System->Top Menu, select 'Components', click 'Create Menu'
- lexicon key: migx
- action: index
- parameters:
- namespace: migx
to make sure the configuration-table is created and up to date, go to components -> migx -> setup-tab -> click 'setup'
Upgrading from MIGX - versions prior 2.0¶
first, make a backup of your db-tables, specially the modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues - table, go to components -> migx -> setup-tab, go to tab upgrade. click 'upgrade'.
This will add a new autoincrementing field MIGX_id
to all your MIGX-TV-items
The getImageList-snippet needs this field to work correctly.
Configure your first MIGXdb - setup¶
The best way to learn how to setup MIGXdb is, to walk thrue all steps in a little tutorial from creating the db-schema and a table to its management by a MIGXdb-TV.
see MIGXdb-Tutorials
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