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What is QuipCount?

QuipCount is an assistance snippet for Quip that can be used to quickly gather the number of comments on a thread, or the number of comments by a user.


To grab the number of comments on a thread:

[[QuipCount? &thread=`mythread`]]

To grab the number of comments by a user with username 'jb2009':

[[QuipCount? &type=`user` &user=`jb2009`]]

Available Properties

Name Description Default Value
type The type of mode to call QuipCount in. Either "thread" or "user". thread
thread If in thread mode, the thread to count comments from.
user If in user mode, either the User's ID or username.


Get the number of comments in thread "thread32":

[[QuipCount? &thread=`thread32`]]

Get the number of comments for user mikegeorge:

[[QuipCount? &type=`user` &user=`mikegeorge`]]

See Also

  1. Quip.Quip
    1. Quip.Quip.tplComment
    2. Quip.Quip.tplCommentOptions
    3. Quip.Quip.tplComments
    4. Quip.Quip.tplReport
  2. Quip.QuipCount
  3. Quip.QuipLatestComments
  4. Quip.QuipReply
    1. Quip.QuipReply.tplAddComment
    2. Quip.QuipReply.tplLoginToComment
    3. Quip.QuipReply.tplPreview
  5. Quip.QuipRss
  6. Quip.Upgrading
    1. Quip.Upgrading to 1.0.1

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