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AdvSearch's containerTpl Chunk

A Chunk named "AdvSearchResults" is provided with AdvSearch. This Chunk name is set as &containerTpl property on the AdvSearch snippet.

Default Value

<p class="advsea-results">[[+resultInfo]] - Elapsed time: [[+etime]]</p>

<div class="advsea-paging[[+pagingType]]">[[+paging]]</div>

<div class="advsea-results-list">

<div class="advsea-paging[[+pagingType]]">[[+paging]]</div>

Available Placeholders

Name Description
etime Server elapsed time of the search.
paging The pagination links
resultInfo The message saying how many search results were found.
results The search results.

but also:

Name Description
total The total number of results
pagingType The paging type used
page The current page number
totalPage The total number of result pages
perPage The maximum number of results per page
offset Offset of the current page
first Number of first result of the current page
last Number of last result of the current page
separator String used as separator between page link number (paging type 0)

See Also

  1. AdvSearch.AdvSearch
    1. AdvSearch.AdvSearch.containerTpl
    2. Advsearch.AdvSearch.extractTpl
    3. AdvSearch.Advsearch.paging1Tpl
    4. AdvSearch.AdvSearch.paging0Tpl
    5. AdvSearch.AdvSearch.tpl
  2. AdvSearch.AdvSearchForm
    1. Advsearch.AdvSearchForm.tpl
  3. AdvSearch.AdvSearchHelp
    1. AdvSearch.AdvSearchHelp.helplinkTpl

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