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The Thread (thread/index) controller is the one that shows an entire thread of posts to the user.

Basic Information

Since Version 1.0
Controller File controllers/web/thread/index.class.php
Controller Class Name DiscussThreadController
Controller Template pages/thread/index.tpl
Manifest Name thread/index


If you don't know what the manifest is, please go back to the Getting Started document. The options below need to go into the "board" options array of the manifest.

Key Default Description
showPosts true To show posts.. you'll want this enabled. Posts go into [[+posts]]
limit 10 Amount of posts per page
discuss.post_sort_dir ASC The sort order for posts: ASC or DESC
sortAnswerFirst false If enabled, Q&A threads will sort posts marked as answer on top.
postAttachmentRowTpl post/disPostAttachment Chunk to wrap each attachment in.
postTpl post/disThreadPost The chunk to wrap individual posts in.
rowCls dis-post A class to add to the post row
childrenCls dis-board-post
actionLinkTpl disActionLink Tpl chunk for the action links.
rowSeparator line break separator to use between rows
showViewing Show the readers based on sessions. Makes the [[+readers]] placeholder available.
showBreadcrumbs Show breadcrumbs on this controller.
showPaginationIfOnePage true Wether 1 page pagination should show up or not.

Controller Template

<!-- thread/index.html -->

<div class="status [[+locked:is=`1`:then=`locked`:else=`unlocked`]]">
    <div class="f1-f12 h-group [[+answered:notempty=`answered`]]">
        <h1 class="Category" post="[[+id]]">
            [[+answered:notempty=`<span class="tag solved">[[%discuss.solved]]</span>`:default=``]]
            <a href="[[+url]]" title="[[+title]]">[[+title]]</a>
    <div class="f1-f9">
        <div class="a-dis-actionbuttons h-group">
            Subscribe: <a href="[[~[[*id]]]]thread/feed.xml?thread=[[+id]]">RSS</a>
                    <a href="[[+actionlink_subscribe]]">By email</a>`]]
                    <a href="[[+actionlink_unsubscribe]]">Stop emails</a>`]]
    <div class="f1-f9">
        <header class="dis-cat-header dark-gradient h-group sticky-bar top">
            [[- USER LOGGED IN ]]
            <div class="post-box">
                [[+locked:is=`1`:then=``:else=`<a class="dis-action-reply Button" href="[[+actionlink_reply]]">Reply to thread</a>`]]
                <a class="Button" href="[[+actionlink_unread]]">Mark as unread</a>
            [[- USER NOT LOGGED IN ]]
            <div class="post-box">
                <a href="[[~[[*id]]]]login" class="Button dis-action-login" >Login to Post</a>
        <ul class="dis-list h-group">
        <div class="paginate stand-alone bottom horiz-list">[[+pagination]]</div>`]]
        [[+locked:notempty=`<p class="m-notice">[[%discuss.thread_locked]]</p>`:default=`[[+quick_reply_form]]`]]
    </div><!-- Close Content From Wrapper -->


<!--close thread/index.html -->

System Events


All currently set placeholders are available through the $placeholders array. The return value or $modx->event->output() value is expected to be an array of placeholders to override. Using a plugin on this event is the only way to put a value in the top, bottom, aboveThread and belowThread placeholders.

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  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Lefthandmedia
  • Murray Wood
  • Anton Tarasov
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Raffy
  • Snow Creative
  • Nick Clark
  • A. Moreno
  • JT Skaggs
  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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