Last updated Apr 21st, 2019 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreThe search controller handles search requests. If there are no results, it will use the lexicon string discuss.search_no_results for the results message.
The actual searching is done by the search class. This is configured with the discuss.search_class system setting (and discuss.search_class_path optionally). By default, Discuss comes with a disSearch class which is a simple SQL searcher, and disSolrSearch which allows searching through a solr instance. It is possible to write custom search classes by extending disSearch.
Basic Information¶
Since Version | 1.0 |
Controller File | controllers/web/search.class.php |
Controller Class Name | DiscussSearchController |
Controller Template | pages/search.tpl |
Manifest Name | search |
If you don't know what the manifest is, please go back to the Getting Started document. The options below need to go into the "search" options array of the manifest.
Key | Default | Description |
resultRowTpl | disSearchResult | The name of a (file based) chunk to wrap each result in. Placeholders include all [Discuss.Database+Model] fields, as well as [[+username]] , [[+board_name]] , [[+replies]] , [[+relevancy]] , [[+cls]] , [[+toggle]] . |
toggle | + | A string to show as toggle button |
limit | value of discuss.threads_per_page or 20 | Amount of results per page |
Controller Template¶
This controller template has the following placeholders you can use, on top of the placeholders mentioned in the options above:
Placeholder | Description |
All fields of the disBoard object. | |
results | The search results or an error message. |
total | Amount of results. |
start | Number of results this page starts on. |
end | Either the number of the last result on this page, or the total amount of results. |
pagination | Generated pagination bits. |
search | The search term. |
<form class="m-fullw-form m-styled-form h-group m-search" action="[[~[[*id]]]]search/" method="get">
<h1>[[ &namespace=`discuss` &topic=`web`]]</h1>
<div class="m-panel f1-f8">
<div class="f1-f5 f-pad h-group">
<label class="search" for="dis-search">[[]]:</label>
<input class="search" type="text" id="dis-search" name="s" value="[[+search]]" />
<div class="f-all f-pad h-group">
<a id="dis-search-advanced-toggle" href="a-search-adavnaced">[[%discuss.search_advanced_options]]</a>
<div id="dis-search-advanced" class="f-all m-grouped-content">
<div class="f-full">
<div class="f1-f4 f-pad">
<label for="dis-search-board">Post type:
<span class="error">[[+error.board]]</span>
<select name="board" id="dis-search-qa">
<option value="1">(All Posts)</option>
<option value="2">Discussions</option>
<option value="3" id="QA">Questions</option>
<div id="SubOptions" class="f5-f8 sub-options">
<label for="dis-search-board">Question options:
<span class="error">[[+error.board]]</span>
<input type="radio" name="qa-options" value="Both" checked>All Questions
<input type="radio" name="qa-options" value="Solved">Answered
<input type="radio" name="qa-options" value="Unsolved">Without Answer
<div class="f-full">
<div class="f1-f4 f-pad">
<label for="dis-search-board">[[%discuss.board]]:
<span class="error">[[+error.board]]</span>
<select name="board" id="dis-search-board">[[+boards]]</select>
<div class="f5-f8 f-pad">
<label for="dis-author">[[]]:</label>
<input type="text" id="dis-author" name="user" value="[[+user]]" class="autocomplete" data-autocomplete-action="rest/find_user" data-autocomplete-single="true" />
<div class="f1-f4 f-pad">
<label for="dis-date-start">[[%discuss.date_start]]:</label>
<input type="text" id="dis-date-start" class="m-datepicker" name="date_start" value="[[+date_start]]"/>
<div class="f5-f8 f-pad">
<label for="dis-date-end">[[%discuss.date_end]]:</label>
<input type="text" id="dis-date-end" class="m-datepicker" name="date_end" value="[[+date_end]]"/>
<div class="f1-f8 f-pad">
<input type="submit" value="[[]]" />
<header class="dis-cat-header dark-gradient h-group sticky-bar top">
[[+results:notempty=`<h1>Displaying [[+start]]-[[+end]] of [[+total]] Results</h1>`]]
<div class="dis-threads">
<ul class="dis-list search-results">`]]
<div class="paginate stand-alone bottom horiz-list">
System Events¶
Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.
The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.
$295 per month—let's make that $500!
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