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Create varying layout-boxes with MIGX

This Tutorial will show you step by step how to setup MIGX for adding and editing variying layout-Boxes.

This example was created during this discussion.

The Request was how to create a System in MODX where the editor can add multiple Boxes with varying layouts, in this case boxes with one, two, or three Columns. Each Column with an image, a headline and content.


First off, you'll want to go ahead and download and install some Extras that we'll be using for this Setup. The following is a list of used Extras:

  • MIGX - For creating and fill the boxes in MODX-backend and for listing them on the frontend. ADDON/TinyMCE
  • TinyMCE - Richtext-Editor to edit the content-texts.
  • phpThumbOf - For resizing the images to fit in our columns.

The Template

For this Tutorial we want to create a new Template. We name it 'MultiColumn'

        <title>[[++site_name]] - [[*pagetitle]]</title>
        <base href="[[++site_url]]" />
            /* reset */
            /* text */
            body{font:13px/1.5 'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Liberation Sans',FreeSans,sans-serif}a:focus{outline:1px dotted}hr{border:0 #ccc solid;border-top-width:1px;clear:both;height:0}h1{font-size:25px}h2{font-size:23px}h3{font-size:21px}h4{font-size:19px}h5{font-size:17px}h6{font-size:15px}ol{list-style:decimal}ul{list-style:disc}li{margin-left:30px}p,dl,hr,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ol,ul,pre,table,address,fieldset{margin-bottom:20px}
            /* fixed: cols 12, rows 4, box_w 80, box_h 80, margin_w 10, margin_h 10, w 960, h 320 */
            .container,.container_12{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:960px;}.grid_h_1,.grid_h_2,.grid_h_3,.grid_h_4,.grid_h_5,.grid_h_6,.grid_h_7,.grid_h_8,.grid_h_9,.grid_h_10,.grid_h_11,.grid_h_12{position:relative;display:inline;float:left;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;}.grid_v_1,.grid_v_2,.grid_v_3,.grid_v_4{position:relative;display:inline;float:left;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;}.alpha_h{margin-left:0;}.omega_h{margin-right:0;}.alpha_v{margin-top:0;}.omega_v{margin-bottom:0;}.grid_h_1{width:60px;}.grid_h_2{width:140px;}.grid_h_3{width:220px;}.grid_h_4{width:300px;}.grid_h_5{width:380px;}.grid_h_6{width:460px;}.grid_h_7{width:540px;}.grid_h_8{width:620px;}.grid_h_9{width:700px;}.grid_h_10{width:780px;}.grid_h_11{width:860px;}.grid_h_12{width:940px;}.grid_v_1{min-height:60px;}.grid_v_2{min-height:140px;}.grid_v_3{min-height:220px;}.grid_v_4{min-height:300px;}.clear{clear:both;display:block;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0;}.clearfix:after{clear:both;content:' ';display:block;font-size:0;line-height:0;visibility:hidden;width:0;height:0;}* html .clearfix,*:first-child+html .clearfix{zoom:1;}.middle_1{line-height:60px;}.middle_2{line-height:140px;}.middle_3{line-height:220px;}.middle_4{line-height:300px;}
            /*  */
            .box {background:#ccc}
        <div class="container clearfix">
            [[getImageList? &tpl=`@FIELD:MIGX_formname`&tvname=`MultiColumn`]]
            <div class="grid_h_12 grid_v_1">[[*content]]</div>
            <div class="grid_h_12 grid_v_1 middle_1">[^q^] queries, querytime [^qt^], phptime [^p^], totaltime [^t^], source [^s^]</div>

The Preview-Page

Now we create a Preview-Page. With this page created we can see a Preview of our boxes in the backend without the need to save our Resource.

Create a new Folder in your Resource-Tree, which is hidden from menue, you can name it: 'MIGX-previews'.

Create a new Resource under this Folder and choose the MultiColumn-Template. You can name it 'MultiColumn Preview'


Now we are ready to create our MIGX-TV. Create a new TV.

General Information



Input Options



Form Tabs

    ,"formtabs": [{
        "caption":"Row Format"
        ,"fields": [{
        ,"fields": [{
        "caption":"Row Format"
        ,"fields": [{
        },{            "field":"cell_3_image"
        "caption":"Row Format"
        ,"fields": [{
        ,"fields": [{

Make sure, you have all the same fieldnames in all formtab-setups. Unused fields in hidden-fields. Otherwise you will loose values, when you switch between formtabs.

Grid Columns

    "header": "Row Format"
    ,"width": "30"
    ,"sortable": "true"
    ,"dataIndex": "MIGX_formname"
    "header": "First"
    ,"width": "160"
    ,"sortable": "false"
    ,"dataIndex": "cell_1_image"
    ,"renderer": "this.renderImage"
    "header": "Second"
    ,"width": "160"
    ,"sortable": "false"
    ,"dataIndex": "cell_2_image"
    ,"renderer": "this.renderImage"
    "header": "Third"
    ,"width": "160"
    ,"sortable": "false"
    ,"dataIndex": "cell_3_image"
    ,"renderer": "this.renderImage"

Preview Url

Add here the complete Url of your created Preview-Resource.

Template Access

our MultiColumns - Template

The Chunks

Our last step is to create three chunks for our layout-boxes.




Chunk Code
<div class="box grid_h_12 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_12 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_1_image:phpthumbof=`w=900&h=250&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_12 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_1_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_12 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_1_content]]</div>
<div class="clear"></div>




Chunk Code
<div class="box grid_h_6 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_1_image:phpthumbof=`w=460&h=320&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_1_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_1_content]]</div>
<div class="box grid_h_6 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_2_image:phpthumbof=`w=460&h=320&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_2_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_6 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_2_content]]</div>
<div class="clear"></div>




Chunk Code
<div class="box grid_h_4 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_1_image:phpthumbof=`w=300&h=250&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_1_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_1_content]]</div>
<div class="box grid_h_4 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_2_image:phpthumbof=`w=300&h=250&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_2_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_2_content]]</div>
    <div class="box grid_h_4 grid_v_4">
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1 alpha_v"><img src="[[+cell_3_image:phpthumbof=`w=300&h=250&zc=1`]]"/></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_1"><h2>[[+cell_3_headline]]</h2></div>
    <div class="grid_h_4 alpha_h omega_h grid_v_2 omega_v">[[+cell_3_content]]</div>
<div class="clear"></div>

Create Pages with varying layout-boxes

Now we are ready to create resources with varying layout-boxes.

Create new Resource. Choose the MultiColumn - Template. Go to the tab 'Template Variables'.

In your MultiColumns-TV, click 'Add Item' and choose one of the layouts. Fill the fields on the tabs 'First','Second','Third'.

For Preview click the 'Preview' - Button.

If you want to change the position of boxes, you can drag/drop the items directly in the grid.

Don't forget to save your Resource, when you are ready with adding/editing layout-boxes with MIGX.

Support the team building MODX with a monthly donation.

The budget raised through OpenCollective is transparent, including payouts, and any contributor can apply to be paid for their work on MODX.


  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • Murray Wood
  • Lefthandmedia
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Anton Tarasov
  • A. Moreno
  • Raffy
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Snow Creative
  • JT Skaggs
  • Nick Clark
  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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