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What is getYoutube?

A simple video retrieval snippet for MODX Revolution.

This snippet uses the YouTube Data API (v3) to search for specified channels or videos and return the associated data.


getYoutube was first written by David Pede (@davepede) and released on April 14th, 2014.


It can be downloaded from within the MODX Revolution manager via Package Management, or from the MODX Extras Repository, here: https://modx.com/extras/package/getYoutube

The source code and build script is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/tasianmedia/getYoutube

Bugs & Feature Requests

Bugs, issues and feature requests can be reported in the GitHub Repository, found here: https://github.com/tasianmedia/getYoutube/issues


The getYoutube snippet can be called using the tag:


Calls must be un-cached. '&mode' property is required.

System Settings

Google requires you to register your application so that it can submit requests to the YouTube Data API (v3). Please follow this guide to obtain your Google Public API Key.

Key Description
getyoutube.api_key A valid Google Public API Key for either browser or server applications

You must provide your Google Public API Key in order to use getYoutube

Available Properties

Selection Properties

Name Description Mode Default Value Added in Version
mode Select the search mode. (OPTIONS: channel, playlist or video) N/A video 1.0.0-pl
video A comma-separated list of video IDs to return. video 1.0.0-pl
channel The ID of a YouTube Channel to search. All videos within the channel will be returned. channel 1.0.0-pl
playlist The ID of a YouTube Playlist to search. All videos within the playlist will be returned. playlist 1.1.0-pl
sortby A placeholder name to sort by. (OPTIONS: date, rating, title, viewCount) N/A date 1.0.0-pl
limit Limits the number of Videos returned. (NOTE: Acceptable values are 0 to 50, inclusive. Please see pagination docs for more details) N/A 50 1.0.0-pl
safeSearch Select whether the results should include restricted content as well as standard content. (OPTIONS: none, moderate, strict) N/A none 1.0.0-pl

Templating Properties

Name Description Mode Default Value Added in Version
tpl Name of a chunk serving as a template. (REQUIRED) N/A videoTpl 1.0.0-pl
tplAlt Name of a chunk serving as a template for every other Video. N/A 1.0.0-pl
toPlaceholder If set, will assign the output to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. N/A 1.0.0-pl
Name Description Mode Default Value Added in Version
totalVar Define the key of a placeholder set by getYoutube indicating the total number of Videos returned. N/A total 1.0.0-pl

Available Placeholders

Video Placeholders

Placeholder Description Mode Added in Version
[[+id]] Video ID N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+title]] Video title N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+description]] The description for the video N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+url]] URL to the videos YouTube Page N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+embed_url]] URL to use when embedding videos N/A 1.1.0-pl
[[+publish_date]] The date/time the video was published ( ISO 8601 format) N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+thumbnail_small]] URL to a small version of the thumbnail (120 x 90px) N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+thumbnail_medium]] URL to a medium version of the thumbnail (320 x 180px) N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+thumbnail_large]] URL to a large version of the thumbnail (480 x 360px) N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+thumbnail_standard]] URL to a standard version of the thumbnail (640 x 480px) video, playlist 1.1.1-pl
[[+thumbnail_maxres]] URL to a max resolution version of the thumbnail (1280 x 720px) video, playlist 1.1.1-pl
[[+channel_title]] Channel title N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+playlist_id]] Playlist ID playlist 1.1.0-pl
[[+duration]] Duration of the video ( ISO 8601 format) video 1.0.0-pl
[[+viewCount]] # of views video 1.0.0-pl
[[+likeCount]] # of likes video 1.0.0-pl
[[+dislikeCount]] # of dislikes video 1.0.0-pl
[[+favoriteCount]] # of favorites video 1.0.0-pl
[[+commentCount]] # of comments video 1.0.0-pl
[[+tags]] Comma separated list of tags video 1.2.0-pl

If you require additional video data as placeholders, please request here: https://github.com/tasianmedia/getYoutube/issues.

Other Placeholders

Placeholder Description Mode Added in Version
[[+total]] Returns the total number of Videos in the output N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+nextPage]] URL to the next 50 results in the output (See pagination docs below) N/A 1.0.0-pl
[[+prevPage]] URL to the previous 50 results in the output (See pagination docs below) N/A 1.0.0-pl


Output all videos from the YouTube 'Spotlight' Channel, using the 'videoTpl' chunk:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`channel` &channel=`UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ` &tpl=`videoTpl`]]

Output all videos from the YouTube 'POP Music Playlist 2017 (Songs of All Time)' Playlist, using the 'videoTpl' chunk:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`playlist` &playlist=`PLMC9KNkIncKtPzgY-5rmhvj7fax8fdxoj` &tpl=`videoTpl`]]

Output only specified videos, using the 'videoTpl' chunk:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`video` &video=`_X-jSkrqYzk,FoRRybrFR0c,yXBPbnv1H-U` &tpl=`videoTpl`]]

Output all videos from the YouTube 'Spotlight' Channel, using the 'videoTpl' chunk and assign the output to a placeholder:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`channel` &channel=`UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ` &tpl=`videoTpl` &toPlaceholder=`videos`]]

Pagination Examples

The YouTube Data API (v3) returns results in blocks of 50. Use the built in pagination placeholders when returning more than 50 videos or when using the &limit property.

Output all videos from the YouTube 'Spotlight' Channel, using the 'videoTpl' chunk:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`channel` &channel=`UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ` &tpl=`videoTpl`]]
[[+prevPage:notempty=`<a href="[[+prevPage]]">prevPage</a><br>`]]
[[+nextPage:notempty=`<a href="[[+nextPage]]">nextPage</a><br>`]]
Total: [[+total]]

Output all videos from the YouTube 'Spotlight' Channel, 10 at a time, using the 'videoTpl' chunk:

[[!getYoutube? &mode=`channel` &channel=`UCBR8-60-B28hp2BmDPdntcQ` &tpl=`videoTpl` &limit=`10`]]
[[+prevPage:notempty=`<a href="[[+prevPage]]">prevPage</a><br>`]]
[[+nextPage:notempty=`<a href="[[+nextPage]]">nextPage</a><br>`]]
Total: [[+total]]

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  • modmore
  • Digital Penguin
  • Jens Wittmann – Gestaltung & Entwicklung
  • Fabian Christen
  • Dannevang Digital
  • Sepia River Studios
  • CrewMark
  • Chris Fickling
  • deJaya
  • Murray Wood
  • Lefthandmedia
  • eydolan
  • Following Sea
  • Anton Tarasov
  • A. Moreno
  • Raffy
  • Stéphane Jäggi
  • Snow Creative
  • JT Skaggs
  • Nick Clark
  • Helen
  • YJ
  • krisznet
  • Richard
  • Yanni


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