Core folder
Last updated Sep 24th, 2021 | Page history | Improve this page | Report an issue
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Learn moreThe core folder can no longer be moved to a custom path or renamed in 3.0.
This is due to the way Composer is integrated with the core development process for managing dependencies and enabling autoloading in the core. #15476
If you currently have a custom core directory or have it moved out of the webroot, you'll need to reverse that process before upgrading to 3.0.
That means:
- Move the core directory back to /core/ in the root of the installation
- Edit core/config/ with the updated core path
- Edit config.core.php, /manager/config.core.php, and /connectors/config.core.php to use the update core path.
After you've done those steps, you can run the MODX installer to verify it was updated correctly.
But what about security?¶
From a security point of view, there is zero difference between physically moving the core out of the webroot to prevent direct access, and blocking access to it in a different way.
Here's how you could block access to the core (and various other common sensitive directories or files, including any dotfiles except the .well_known directory) on Apache:
RewriteRule ^(\.(?!well_known)|_build|_gitify|_backup|core|config.core.php) /index.php?q=doesnotexist [L,R=404]
And for nginx:
location ~ ^/(\.(?!well_known)|_build|_gitify|_backup|core|config.core.php) {
rewrite ^/(\.(?!well_known)|_build|_gitify|_backup|core|config.core.php) /index.php?q=doesnotexist;
These examples pass the request on to MODX with a non-existent alias, which has the benefit of ensuring it looks like the rest of your site.
On high-traffic sites you can prevent such requests from hitting MODX by immediately returning a 404, however that will then look different from a regular error which from a security point of view means an attacker can determine those files probably do exist.
For nginx, that would look like this:
location ~ ^/(\.(?!well_known)|_build|_gitify|_backup|core|config.core.php) {
return 404;
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