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Learn moreThe Quip Snippet¶
This snippet displays all the comments for a given thread.
Simply place the snippet wherever you would like to display a comment thread, and specify what the name of that thread will be.
[[!Quip? &thread=`myThread`]]
Available Properties¶
Name | Description | Default |
thread | The ID of the thread you want to reference. This can be anything - and will be the reference point for any related comments. | n/a |
parent | The parent to start at when displaying the thread. | 0 |
threaded | Whether or not this thread can have threaded comments. Threaded comments allow users to comment on comments, increasing the level of indentation. Non-threaded comments allow users to comment only on the parent article, not on the comments. | 1 |
maxDepth | The maximum depth that replies can be made in a threaded comment thread. | 5 |
replyResourceId | The ID of the Resource where the QuipReply snippet is held, for replying to threaded comments. | |
threadedPostMargin | The margin, in pixels, by which threaded comments are moved right for each depth level that they go. | 15 |
useMargins | Instead of using ol/li tags, do divs with margin styles (old Quip style) | 0 |
closed | If set to true, the thread will not accept new comments. | 0 |
closeAfter | The number of days at which the thread will automatically close after it was created. Set to 0 to leave open indefinitely. | 14 |
dateFormat | The format of the date to show for a comment's post date. The syntax is in PHP strftime format. | %b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p |
requireAuth | If set to true, only logged in users will be able to comment on the thread. | 0 |
useCss | If true, Quip will provide a basic CSS template for the presentation. | 1 |
altRowCss | The CSS class to put on alternating comments. | quip-comment-alt |
nameField | The field to use for the author name of each comment. Recommended values are "name" or "username". | username |
showAnonymousName | If true, will display the value of anonymousName property (defaults to "Anonymous") if the user is not logged in when posting. | 0 |
anonymousName | The name to display for anonymous postings. Defaults to "Anonymous". | |
allowRemove | Allow logged-in users to remove their own postings. | 1 |
removeThreshold | If allowRemove is true, the number of minutes a user can remove their posting after they have posted it. | 3 |
allowReportAsSpam | Allow logged-in users to report comments as spam. | 1 |
useGravatar | Whether or not to show Gravatar icons in comments. | 1 |
gravatarIcon | The type of Gravatar icon to use for a user without a Gravatar. | identicon |
gravatarSize | The size in pixels of the Gravatar. | 50 |
sortBy | The field to sort comments by. If threading is on (the default behavior, or set explicitly via &threaded=1 ), then it's best leave this alone. |
rank |
sortByAlias | The alias of classes to use with sort by. | quipComment |
sortDir | The direction to sort by. | ASC |
tplComment | A chunk for the comment itself. | |
tplCommentOptions | A chunk for the options, such as delete, shown to an owner of a comment. | |
tplComments | The outer wrapper for comments. Can either be a chunk name or value. If set to a value, will override the chunk. | |
tplReport | The link on a comment to report as spam. Can either be a chunk name or value. If set to a value, will override the chunk. | |
removeAction | The name of the submit field to remove a comment post. | quip-remove |
reportAction | The name of the submit field to report as spam a comment post. | quip-report |
idPrefix | If you want to use multiple Quip instances on a page, change this ID prefix. | qcom |
limit | The number of comments to limit per page. Setting this to a non-zero number will enable pagination. | 0 |
start | The default comment index to start on. Recommended to leave at 0. | 0 |
tplPagination | A chunk for the pagination OL wrapper. | |
tplPaginationItem | A chunk for each non-current pagination number link. | |
tplPaginationCurrentItem | A chunk for the current pagination number link. | |
paginationCls | A CSS class to put on the pagination OL wrapper. | quip-pagination |
pageCls | A CSS class to put on a non-current pagination number link. | quip-page-number |
currentPageCls | A CSS class to put on the current pagination number. | quip-page-current |
Quip Chunks¶
There are 4 chunks that are processed in Quip. Their corresponding parameters are:
A sample code line for a blog post that's on a Resource with no threading:
[[!Quip? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]` &threaded=`0`]]
A threaded comment thread, but only allowed to go 3 levels deep, and auto-close after 21 days:
[[!Quip? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]` &maxDepth=`3` &closeAfter=`21`]]
A comment thread, with threading, with Gravatars disabled, and only allowing logged-in comments:
[[!Quip? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]` &useGravatar=`0` &requireAuth=`1`]]
A comment thread, pagination enabled, having only 5 root comments per page, and a class on each pagination link li tag called 'pageLink':
[[!Quip? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]` &limit=`5` &pageCls=`pageLink`]]
See Also¶
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